Lean Administration I (english Version)

Buch Lean Administration 1 How to make business processes transparent. Step 1: Analysis More efficiency. More transparency. More solid planning. That’s what most managers in administration and in service enterprises wish to achieve. But most of them still work in the black box of overhead costs and know neither their processes nor their costs in detail. The principles and tools of lean management create remedy. The first volume of the workbook “Lean Administration” provides assistance to spread out lean management in the field of administration. Step by step the workbook describes the analysis of processes and structures, which is the necessary basis for the further steps to lean administration. Numerous tables and diagrams facilitate the handling of the analysis tools for the user. by Bodo Wiegand & Philip Franck Englische Ausgabe / English version Spiralbindung - 140 Seiten
80,00 €
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  • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage (Ausland abweichend)